Wednesday, 23 January 2019

Proposal Bali Jegeg Outbound and Recreation

Address : Hayam Wuruk Street, No. 236 South Sumerta, East Denpasar, Bali
Phone. 087851946075 (Tresna Pradnya)

Preface of Bali Jegeg Outbound and Recreation.
Bali Jegeg is a company engaged in the event organizer. Firstly Bali Jegeg provides meeting, intentive, convention, and exhibition. But, lately there have been trends in outbound and recreation activities carried out by people who want to do outbound and recreation activities.. Therefore Bali Jegeg also provides many kinds of outbound and recreation activities for family, friends, or the companies with the participant up to 1000 people. Outbound and recreation activities are complemented by tour packages, accomodation, transportation, and complete facilities for the games activities based on our guest’s request to make our guest feel satisfied. Some of our interesting oubound activities such as : Touring around Bali, Fun Games, ATV, Paintball, Flying Fox, Harvesting Fruits, etc.

Product Description.
Outbound Programs are a training method that includes entertainment, refreshment, and light education. Outbound programs are often also reffered to as corporate adventure training and outdoor management development. This program is carried out to fulfill several objectives including: presenting an exciting and fun atmosphere, strengthening a sense of togetherness, brotherhood, and team cohesiveness, fostering a sense of enthusiasm, providing refreshing activities, reducing tension, and doing challenging things to foster an unyielding attitude . Participants  are  divided  into  teams  and  assigned  tasks  or  activities  for completion  in  a specified  time.  Achievement  and performance  during  these activities  is  reviewed  in  group  discussions  to  identify  behaviors  that enhance performance  or  lead  to  failure  or   decreased  performance.  At Out life  we  strongly  believe  that outbound training  can be the key element of developing a tight knit, effective and high performance teams. Our outbound program will give some benefits to all of our participants to refresh their mind, get a lot of experience, and some of learning points.

Characteristic of the Activities.
A.    Outdoor Base Management Training (Outbound)
Outdoor Base Management Training (Outbound) is a training method for enhancing individual, team and organizational performance through experiential learning methodology where participants are involved into outbound training activities and outbound training games. Outbound Training generally revolve around outbound activities designed to improve leadership, communication skills, confidence, creative thinking, a sense of community and trust, planning, problem solving skills, change management, delegation, teamwork and motivation. Participants are divided into teams and assigned tasks or activities for completion in a specified time. Participants must work to find a solution individually and together as a team, and must communicate and learn from each other in order to be successful. The Learning begins with the experience followed by reflection, discussion, analysis and evaluation of the experience.​

Benefits and purpose of outbound as follows:
Ø  The prime objective of an outbound training is to give the participants a real-time and realistic knowledge about realizing the self’s inherent restraints and forces which enable greater efficiencies and retain interpersonal skills that include leadership, communication and problem solving skills.
Ø  Improve personal and interpersonal skills, self development, self motivation, self confidence and creative thinking.
Ø  Outbound programs have been found to be effective  to enhance self development, social and emotional development, teamwork and leadership.  Other areas include  behavior change and personal efficiency.  After spending a time outdoors, team members tend to bond together in a way that is  not possible  concrete office  environment. 
Ø  Develop a positive attitude, behavior change, personal efficiency and grooming the personalities of the employees become better.
Ø  Outbound programs demonstrate that people can become more cohesive, shedding their inhibitions, opening up and becoming more receptive to learning. It also proves that in spite of differences in cultures and ethnic backgrounds, people can live and work together and that it is inherent in human nature to be helpful and build a sense of trust in others.
Ø  Outbound training events create the time to focus on the importance of team work and what is needed to make you a better team. Learning how to work together effectively will create efficiency and knowledge on how to manager each other’s strengths and weaknesses.
Ø  Every member of a team has a role to contribute. Being responsible for a role will either ensure it is fulfilled or learning are taken from it to apply for future.
Ø  Participants can gain greater respect for not only each other but also for the company and its direction through a outbound training programs. Often this comes down to communication and knowledge, and when delivered in a fun and relaxed environment, appreciate the difference and greater respect will be a result.

Outbound Flow Activity:
A.    Pre Course (Conditioning Participant)
Is a process for introducing a series of activities to participants. In this activity, the rules of the game will be explained and we will divide the group. The aim of pre course are:
         To emphasize that this activity is not just recreation but has useful lessons for the future.
         To release saturation from daily routine activities
         To build commitment to always think positively and are willing to do their best.
B.     Ice Breaking (Breaking Freeze)
It is the beginning of a series of program activities by using light games as a tool to break the ice amongst the participants in the new group. We will provide a simple overview for participants on the form of training that will be faced by the participants. There are some challenge inside but it’s packed with joy. This activity aims as:
·         The process of creating a psychological atmosphere that is fun and eliminate the constraints themselves as feeling awkward, not ready or shy.
·         To create a new commitment or strengthen existing commitments
C.    Trust Games (Growers Trust)
All games will be in group form. So indirectly, they must trust each other to achieve the desired goal or in this case to be the winner. Trust game is given for the purpose of:
         Develop self-confidence
         Develop a sense of trust among team members.
         Finding the essence of cooperation in a group.
         Build trust in the group's commitment.
D.    Initiative Activities
This activity is a series of activities that will make participants feel they want to be involved in it. In the formation of a team requires a unique process that can be explored through a variety of activities aimed at:
         Develop the power of interaction and group initiatives to problem solving.
         The process of dealing with conflict within the group.
         Build a sense of wanting to participate in the group.
         Build a leadership spirit and stimulate effective communication within the group.
E.     Low & High Impact Activities
This activity has a tremendous impact, because it is packaged in a unique way to challenge the mental participants. So important to us, as the steering committee to be able to influence them out of their comfort zone and want to try new things. In general, this activity aims to:
         Provide an opportunity for participants to act / think out of limits.
         Provide experience in addressing concerns related to unfamiliar situations.
         Stimulate the ability to make decisions taking into account the SWOT (Strength, Weakness, Opportunity, Treatment).
F.     De-Briefing
This activity is teach participants to be able to evaluate the activities represented by the group leader. The team leader can convey impressions of the activities that have been held and give sugestion if needed. In this activity, the group dynamics will appear in full after a series of activities in the form of a completed game. This activity aims to:
         Stimulate and elicits effective communication processes within the group.
         Stimulate the sensitivity of the participants to know how important the evaluation process in a good working team.
         Provide a complete picture of the series of activities that have been passed by the participants so that they can design a plan that is more mature in the next activity.
G.    Reporting Course
After doing various activities in the outbound program we will make a report that contains the running of all activities. We will provide a general statement for the organization of the company /organization concerned as a picture of the activity. So the company can imagine how great this activities. The purpose of this report is as part of our commitment to the services we provide so that we can continue to develop a program of activities and we can provide a better service based on customer needs.
H.    Safety First
Security and safety of each activity is the top priority for us. We have some professional and experienced guides that always ensure the security and safety of you even if you are doing activities that appear challenging and entails risk, so you should not hesitate to do so. Just follow the instructions carefully from our guides and we guarantee that you will be safe.

All of the society of Bank BCA Jakarta

Venue and Duration.
Venue             : The Sila’s Agrotourism
Candi Kuning, Baturiti Village, Tabanan Regency, Bali
Duration         : 3 Days 2 Nights.

Run down of the program
Day 1
11.00 – 11.30  Pick up at Ngurah Rai International Airport
11.30 – 12.00  Go to restaurant
12.00 – 13.30  Lunch at Bebek Bengil Restaurant Jimbaran
13.30 – 13.45  Go to Garuda Wisnu Kencana Cultural Park (GWK)
13.45 – 15.15  GWK tour
15.15 – 15.45  Go to Padang-padang Beach
15.45 – 16.30  Sightseeing at Padang-padang Beach
16.30 – 16.45  Go to Uluwatu
16.45 – 18.00  Visit Uluwatu Temple
18.00  - 19.00  Watch Kecak Dance Performance
19.00 – 19.30  Go to restaurant
19.30 – 20.30  Dinner at Teba Cafe Jimbaran
20.30 – 21.00  Go to hotel
21.00 – 21.30  Check in Hotel Sense Sunset Seminyak
21.30               Free time

Day 2
06.30 – 07.30  Breakfast at hotel
07.30 – 09.00  Go to The Sila’s Agrotourism
09.00 – 09.15  Opening ceremony (speech & praying)
09.15 – 09.30  Making group and briefing for the games
10.00 – 12.30  Games
12.30 – 13.30  Lunch at The Sila’s Restaurant
13.30 – 14.00  Strawberry, Guava, Orange harvesting
14.00 – 14.45  Playing ATV
14.45 – 15.30  Playing Paintball
15.30 – 16.15  Playing Flying Fox
16.15 – 16.45  Closing ceremony (announce the winner & prize handover)
16.45 – 18.15  Back to hotel
18.15 – 19.00  Taking a bath
19.00 – 20.00  Dinner at Sense Sunset Seminyak Restaurant
20.00               Free time

Day 3
06.30 – 07.30  Breakfast at hotel
08.00 – 08.20  Check out from hotel and go to souvenir shop
08.20 – 10.20  Shopping at Krisna Oleh-oleh Bali
10.20 – 11.00  Lunch box
11.00 – 11.20  Go to Ngurah Rai International Airport
11.20 – 13.00  Check in & administration process
13.00               Departure

Registration and Payment.
26 Pax = IDR 45.500.000 (IDR 1.750.000/Pax)

Price  Includes :
Airport Transfer (In/Out).
Transportation during tour.
Hotel accommodation (2 nights).
Meal (7 times as scheduled).
Entrance ticket
Fruit harvesting/ATV/Paintball/Flying Fox Equipment and Guide.

Registration through E-mail and Direct call.
Payment via invoice or transfer to Bali Jegeg Outbound and Recreation account.
BCA 7730384179

Address             : Hayam Wuruk Street, No. 236 South Sumerta, East Denpasar, Bali
Contact Person : Tresna Pradnya
Phone                : 087851946075
Email                 :
Website             :


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