Saturday, 26 January 2019


Address : Jalan Sunset Road, Kuta.
Phone. (0361) 901546
Email :

Preface of Bali Melali Tour.
In  an  area  of  10  acres,  located  at Sunset Road Street, Kuta ,  Bali    with    beautiful   natural   shades,    we   provide   facilities  for  the  purposes  of  recreation  events  and  family,  your  friends,  and  free enterprise,   with   a  capacity   of  up   to  1500  people.  Available:   Paintball, Strawberry, ATV,  Off road  4WD,  Cycling,  Fun  Trail  Trip,  Outing, Outbound, Flying Fox, Trekking, Fishing, and Horse.

Product Description.
Incentive Program is a formal scheme used to promote or encourage specific actions or behavior by a specific group of people during a defined period of time. Incentive programs are particularly used in business management to motivate employees and in sales to attract and retain customers. Scientific literature also refers to this concept as pay for performance.
Our Incentive Program are include Tour, Outbound and Recreation. Our Incentive Program we plan to improve leadership skill, communication skill, planning skill, change management, deligation, teamwork, and motivation. The participant will divided into some groups to finish the games and hopefully the games will make our participant have a good relation and knowing each other. After the game our participant will get a reward when winning the game. Participants must  work to find a solution  individually  and together  as  a team,  and must  communicate and learn from each other in order to be successful.  The Learning begins with the experience followed by reflection, discussion, analysis  and evaluation of the experience. At Out life  we  strongly  believe  that incentive program  can be the key element of developing a tight knit, effective and high performance teams.

Characteristic of the Activities.
A. Outdoor Base Management Training (Outbound)
Outdoor Base Management Training (Outbound) is a form of outdoor activities that are useful for developing skills in self-management and development (personal development) are simulated through the game - a game that can be directly perceived by the participants in order to increase motivation and confidence , creative thinking, a sense of community and

Benefits and purpose of outbound as follows:
• Improve self confidence, self motivation and interpersonal skills
• Develop an attitude - a positive attitude
• Improving the ability and skills to lead
• Improve the ability to cooperate with colleagues
• Build a sense of trust in others
• Appreciate the difference
• Looking at the weaknesses of others rather than as a constraint
• Seeing others as part of a successful self and team success
• Seeing the difficulties as a challenge and dare to take risks

Outbound Flow Activity:
A.     Pre Course (Conditioning Participant)
Pre course is an activity we doing for informing and sharing about activities which participant will doing during Outbound and the conditioning period for paticipants of a training process. Pre course usually given before the participant doing outbound.
The aims of pre course are :
·         The Participant can prepare everything well and for the tomorrow they will run outbound activities with pleasant mood.
·         To build participants' commitment to the possibility of leaving the daily routine that much more comfortable. Participants will be explained that enters the atmosphere of training is not just recreation, although an element of fun will color each activity are presented.
·         To build commitment to always think positively and are willing to do their best.

B.     Ice Breaking (Breaking Freeze)
It is the beginning of a series of program activities by using some light stretching and games  as a tool to break the ice amongst the participants in the new group.
This activity aims as:
·         The process of creating a good psychological mood and to break the atmosphere was cold, awkward, not ready and bashful will be more better, warm and fun after doing ice breaking.
·         To provide a simple overview for participants on the form of training that will be faced by the participants in which the event will be filled with challenging and interested games. The process of creating a new commitment of strengthen existing commitments

C.     Trust Games (Growers Trust)
An early stage of the formation of a new group, before embarking on an adventure together. In this outbound we provide 5 games that are Hot Chair, Antonym Word, Bolt Line, 7 Wow, Dragon Fight and the aims of our games are :
         Develop self-confidence
         Develop a sense of trust among team members.
         Finding the essence of cooperation of a group, and
         Build trust in the group's commitment.

D.    Initiative Activities
This activity is an umbrella theme of a series of activities that will be presented to the group of participants, in which the formation of a team requires a unique process that can be explored through a variety of activities aimed at:
         Develop the power of interaction and group initiatives to problem solving.
         The process of dealing with conflict within the group.
         Bring up the attitude of active participation in the group.
         Bring up the attitude of the leadership and stimulate effective communication within the group.

E.      Low & High Impact Activities
This particular activity is not always presented for each program activity that we have. This activity has a tremendous impact, but it is not the case when presented in short program; so important to us, as the steering committee, to find out the target activity to be achieved before presenting this event as a means of achieving goals. In general, this activity aims to:
         Enjoy a calm atmosphere and in a different environment as usual
         the self (the perception of the self).
         Provide experience in addressing concerns related to unfamiliar situations
         Looking for business opportunities that are found in rural areas
         Make a closer relationship with each other

F.     De-Briefing
This activity is learning the participants along with a group guided by the group facilitators. In this activity, the group dynamics will appear in full after a series of activities in the form of a completed game. This activity aims to:
         Stimulate and elicits effective communication processes within the group and teamwork.
         Stimulate the sensitivity of the participants of the importance of the evaluation process in a good working team.
         Evocative awareness of how to work effectively in groups.
         Provide a complete picture of the series of activities that have been passed by the participants so that they can design a plan that is more mature in the next activity.
         Strengthen the activities that will be carried out

G. Reporting Course
Provide a general statement for the organization of the company /organization /institution concerned as a picture of the activity. The purpose of this report is as part of our commitment to the services we provide so that we can continue to develop a program of activities that we provide for the needs of the users of the services of our company.

H. Safety First
Safety and security at the activity stage is a top priority for us. We have minimized dangerous activities to ensure your safety. But you can still do activities that seem challenging and risky, our experienced facilitators will continue to ensure your safety and security, so you don't need to hesitate to do so. Follow the instructions carefully every detail directed by our facilitator

All of the society of PT. Bank Central Asia Tbk

Venue and Duration
Venue              : Eka Karya Botanical Garden
Duration          : 3 Days 2 Nights

Rundown of the program

Day 1
11.00 – 11.30
Pick Up to Airport
Ngurah Rai Airport
12.15 – 13.30
Lunch at Local Restaurant
Wong Solo Restaurant
13.30 – 15.30
Going to Candi Kuning

15.30 – 17.00
Enjoy Beratan Lake View
Take picture, buying some souvenir etc
17.15 – 17.30
Going to CLV Hotel & Villa

17.30 – 18.00
Check In Process

18.00 – 19.30
Take a Rest
Take a shower and prepare for dinner
19.30 – 20.50
CLV’s Restaurant
20.50 – 21.00
Short explanation about event tomorrow
Free Time

Day 2
07.00 – 08.00
CLV’s Restaurant
08.00 – 08.15
Going to Games Venue
Kebun Raya Eka Karya, Bedugul
08.15 – 08.30
Rows for the Games
08.30 – 09.00
Prepare for Games
Make a Group and prepare the material
09.00 – 12.15
Games Time
3 Games (Hot Chair, Who is The First, Bolt Line)
12.15 – 12.30
Take a Break
Relax after game #1
12.30 – 13.30
Lunch Box
13.30 – 16.30
Games Time #2
2 Games (7 Wow, Dragon Fight).
16.30 – 17.00
The Winner and The Best Group
17.00 – 17.30
Prepare to back to Hotel
Clean up all material after Games
17.30 – 17.45
Arrived at Hotel

17.45 – 19.00
Take a Rest
Take a shower and prepare for Dinner
19.00 – 20.30
CLV’s Restaurant
20.30 – 21.00
Briefing for Last Day’s Activity
Free Times

Day 3 – Last Day
06.00 – 07.00
CLV’s Restaurant
07.00 – 07.30
Check Out from hotel

09.30 – 11.00
Shopping Time
Krisna Oleh - Oleh
11.15 – 12.30
Local Restaurant close from Krisna Oleh – Oleh Khas Bali
12.30 – 12.45
Go to Airport

Check in Process
Ngurah Rai Airport

Registration and Payment

Price = Rp 2.890.000 / person

Price Includes:
Airport transfer ( in / out )
Airline Ticket
Transportation during tour
Accomodation (CLV Hotel & Villa)
All games equipment
Meal (3 times)

Registration through E-mail and Direct call
Payment via invoice or transfer to Bali Melali Tours account
Bali Melali Tours
Address           : Jalan Sunset Road, Kuta.
Phone              : (0361) 901546
Email               :

(Wila/03, Mika/06, Dinda/07, Adinda/21)

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